Friday, 4 July 2014

Green Tea Exfoliator

Hello Bunnies :)

How do you know if you need to exfoliate?
Grab a piece of clear sticky tape and apply to your forehead. Rub it gently and remove. If you see any dry flaky skin, this means it's time to get scrubbing!

One way that I like to exfoliate is by using my homemade green tea exfoliator. The steps for this natural exfoliator is simple.

Make a cup of green tea. (Here I used black because I didn't have green. But using green tea is better.)

After drinking the tea (it's good for you!), take the bag out and make sure all the tea from the tea bag is drained. 

Prepare a small bowl like this :)

Rip off the top of the bag. (It get's messy here so be careful!)

Empty it into the small bowl

Get some honey. It can be any honey but it just needs to be natural :)

Add a tablespoon of the honey.

And MIX ^^

It should look something like this afterwards. Mine became a bit watery because I didn't get rid of all the tea. So remember to squeeze out every drop! ^_^

 Apply to the entire face and scrub.

Only use the fingertips to scrub.

Leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes and rinse! 

Remember to pat your skin dry with a fluffy towel and moisturise! 

This green tea exfoliator can:
- Buff away dead skin cells
- Brighten skin
- Unclog pores
- Leave skin feeling soft and smooth

Enjoy scrubbing bunnies :)

Black Rabbit~

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