Monday, 21 July 2014


Hello Everyone !

I am currently VERY sick! I am suffering from a very bad cough. It started last Saturday and it felt like a normal sore throat that you'd get when you have a cold but then it just got worse. I lost my voice on Saturday and it was all croaky. Then on Sunday, it was still croaky and it was hard to talk.

Whenever I swallowed my saliva, my throat would hurt and it felt like I was swallowing A THOUSAND PINS and they're all piercing my throat.

This . . . in my throat :(

So on Monday when I had school my throat hurt so much so I had one of those throat lozenges and after sucking on two, it finally stopped hurting but my voice was still croaky. By the end of the day, my voice was gone. Like I had no voice AT ALL. I tried to make a sound but no sound came out. 

And the thing that I felt most uncomfortable with was that when someone had just told me a joke and it was meant to be funny, I laugh but because I'm sick and no sound came out, they look at me like 'Why isn't she laughing?' I KNOW its funny but I'm sick so when I laugh no sound comes out. 

I have so much to say but I can't say it because I'm not meant to talk when I have a sore throat. So instead I whisper and if I whisper they can't hear me :( Sometimes when I say it so soft, I can't hear myself but other people seem to hear me just fine and I wonder to myself, 'How did they hear that?' It's weird ! But at the same time it's cool. 

Then during a self-study period today, I had a coughing fit. If you don't know what it is and you haven't experienced it then . . . LUCKY YOU ! A coughing fit is when suddenly your throat starts getting REALLY itchy and it's all quiet so you don't want to cough but you have to. Like I try super hard not to cough but my face goes red and I start spluttering. 

So anyways what I did was I got up and quickly went to the toilet without running so people don't notice me. I felt so lucky that no one was in the toilet at the time, or I wouldn't have been able to suppress my SUPER itchy throat. I coughed so hard and all this mucus came up. And it felt so good to cough it all out. But then my eyes started tearing up and tears were like running down my face. 

I turned to the mirror to wipe it off and I notice something red in my eye and I pull it down and I find this red patch on the white part of my eye. Turns out I had Subconjunctival Haemorrhage (I have linked a website to find out more this is when a blood vessel in my eye popped and the blood 'spewed' out? It was caused by 'violent' coughing.

On top of the sore throat and haemorrhage thing, I have a runny nose. Why does this have to happen to me? And it conveniently starts when I'm going to have a maths exam next week. *COUGHING FIT* 

Being so sick and all but not staying at home resting. But am I crazy? Maybe? So I instead keep going to school. It's not like I can miss out on a day of school ! I don't want to do all that catching up so I go ! One of my close friends today stayed at home because she is very sick like me but with a different sickness. This suddenly turned out to be a rant . . . 

Anyways I'm writing this while I cough and sniff away. At the moment my throat doesn't hurt but I can feel the mucus stuck in there. My nose is runny and I am so aware of the popped blood vessel that I keep checking on it in the mirror. I have also decided that, if I want my voice to come back sooner, I will stop talking. Instead I will be using a mini whiteboard to communicate with people. Which will be very annoying seeing as I write REAALLY slowly. 

Hope everyone is well ^^

- Black Rabbit ~

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